Thursday, May 27, 2010
Reverend Ted Pike of The National Prayer Network explains most of the extremist Christian arguments about why they think Jews are not to be trusted.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11, has one central thesis - that the official version of the events surrounding the attacks on 9/11 can not be true. This brand new feature documentary from Italian production company Telemaco explores the latest scientific evidence and reveals dramatic new witness testimony, which directly conflicts with the US Government's account. Featuring presentations from intellectual heavy weights; Gore Vidal, and Noble Prize winner Dario Fo, the film challenges assumptions surrounding the attacks. In the words of the Italian daily newspaper, Il Corriere de da Sera, "What results is a sequence of contradictions, gaps, and omissions of stunning gravity." Below you can view the first 14 minutes of the film as an extended trailer, view the entire video in four parts from Google Video, download a high quality copy of the movie by torrent or buy the DVD to keep from the official website. ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11 (Extended Trailer - 1st 14mins of film)
Download Zero An Investigation Into 9/11 by TorrentBuy the Zero An Investigation Into 9/11 DVD at zero911movie.comThe UK Guardian newspaper's review of Zero An Investigation Into 9/11 is less than flattering but a useful read for those looking for a counterpoint opinion. "If Mr Bush and Mr Blair are still musing over their "legacy", well, here it is - the 9/11 "truth" movement, of which this film, from Italian directors Franco Farcassi and Francesco Trento, is the latest example. It represents a sizeable body of opinion, holding that everything that we were told about that awful day, every syllable, every dot, every comma, every jot, every tittle, was a great big lie. Our rulers brought this fatuous exercise in silly conspiracy theorism on themselves and us, having foisted the definite untruth of WMD on the world. After all, why should we believe anything proclaimed by the governments of Washington and London which endorsed that mendacity?" Read The Full Review HereLabels: 9/11, 9/11 Conspiracy, 911 Truth Movement, Building 7, Iraq, WTC
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
When Army scientist Bruce Ivins committed suicide last month, it appeared the seven-year-old 9/11 Anthrax in the Mail mystery had been solved. But over the last few weeks, bloggers have been posting their own theories about whether Ivins was really responsible for the attacks, or a conveniently deceased patsy.... and now the mainstream news services have picked up on it. Kelly Hayboer wrote a great article covering the blogosphere reaction to the Ivins anthrax case here. I don't think this story will die very soon... ***UPDATE 25TH SEPTEMBER***Ivins E-mailed Himself About Anthrax Killer
Sept. 25 - Bruce Ivins, the Army scientist accused of carrying out the 2001 anthrax attacks, e-mailed himself last year saying he knew who the killer was. According to an FBI affidavit, the e-mail was dated Sept. 2007.
AP View the story video hereLabels: 9/11, Anthrax, Bruce Ivins, US Justice Department
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Thursday, August 7, 2008
GHOSTS OF ABU GHRAIB strongly suggests that, far from being an unauthorized, isolated event by rank-and-file soldiers acting on their own initiative, the physical and psychological torture employed at the prison was an inevitable outgrowth of military and government policies that were implemented in a climate of fear and chaos, inadequate training and insufficient resources. The interviews with soldiers who took part in and observed the torture at Abu Ghraib show them to be intelligent and articulate young men and women, not gun-happy, sadistic torturers - challenging what viewers may think they know about what took place at the prison. Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
This HBO documentary produced and directed by Rory Kennedy, daringly approaches a scandal that hardly anyone wants to see reexamined, least of all, one can safely assume, the Bush administration and the Pentagon. While the White House and Pentagon claimed that the situation at Abu Ghraib was "a kind of animal house on the night shift," other on-site participants and observers maintain that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were part of a general pattern of a "gloves off" interrogation policy that had been put in place after 9/11. Download Ghosts of Abu Ghraib by TorrentLabels: Abu Ghraib, Charles Graner, Donald Rumsfeld, General Geoffrey Miller, Geneva Convention, Iraq, Janis Karpinski, Lynndie England, torture, War on Terror
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Friday, August 1, 2008
By Simon Reeves, maker of “Generation Kill”, an HBO seven-part mini-series about the invasion of Iraq currently airing. Iraq Conspiracies looks into the reasons behind the war in Iraq, from oil to the petrodollar to US supremacy and Iran. Labels: 9/11, Alex Jones, Iraq, New World Order, Simon Reeves, War on Terror
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Videos about conspiracies, cover-ups, propoganda as well as the critics and debunkers who disagree.
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